Why Tree Trimming And Felling Is More Dangerous Than You May Realise

Trimming some dead branches from a tree or cutting down the trunk of an old tree may seem very easy for any homeowner. Cutting a few branches or cutting down the trunk of a dead and rotted tree is something that most people will try to do on their own, because they assume it's just a matter of getting up on a ladder and making a few cuts.

However, tree trimming and tree felling can actually be a very dangerous job and one that is more difficult than you may realise. Before you attempt to do this on your own, note how this is, and why it's always best to have a professional handle any type of tree trimming or removal from your property.

1. Branches and trunks are hard to control when they fall

Most professional tree trimmers will tie branches and tree trunks so that they can control these when they fall, but tying them is not the only part of this process. Branches and trunks can easily drop in any direction, and branches can hit other branches on their way down and bounce in any direction. Many homeowners mistakenly think they can control a branch or trunk with rope, but professionals will be experienced in how to actually work the ropes to control branches and trunks as they fall.

Professional tree trimmers will also know how to cut a tree so that branches and the trunk fall where expected, even clearing lower branches so that nothing bounces. If you try to control branches and trunks on your own, you may be surprised at where and how they fall and in turn, may put yourself and anyone else in the area in danger.

2. Being on a ladder is dangerous when trimming trees

Most tree lopping and removal will involve being on a ladder, as you may want to cut down some branches and sections of the trunk before you remove the tree altogether. This can be very dangerous for an inexperienced homeowner who doesn't know how to secure the ladder and stay safe during cutting. Ladders can easily slide out from underneath you or fall away at the top, and you could suffer a fall. This alone is dangerous enough, but when you're holding cutting tools it can be downright deadly. A saw or pruning instrument could land on you or you on top of it, and you could suffer serious injuries.

For your own safety and the safety of everyone involved with removing trees, call a professional company to have this done for you.
