Two tips for homeowners who want to add mature trees to their gardens

If you have decided to have several mature trees planted in your garden, here are some tips that should help you with this process.

Ask your landscaper to purchase the trees from a wholesale nursery

While you could purchase the trees yourself from a garden centre, it would probably be wiser to have your landscaper buy them from a local wholesale nursery since mature trees can be very expensive to buy. If you have a set amount of money available for this landscaping project, and you purchase your trees via a garden centre at the usual retail prices, you may only be able to afford one or two trees, at most. Furthermore, you may have to limit yourself to the cheaper tree varieties.

This could affect how much you like the end results of this project. The trees may not, for example, create as much privacy or shade in your garden as you had hoped for, or their size, colouring and shape may not suit your garden's aesthetic.

Conversely, if you have your landscaper buy the trees from a wholesale nursery, they are likely to be far less expensive than their equivalents which are sold at your local garden centre. This will mean that you should be able to afford to buy more trees, in the varieties that suit your preferences. This, in turn, should increase the likelihood of you being happy with how your landscaping project turns out.

Be careful about where in your garden you choose to transplant the trees

Before the professional who will be transplanting the trees arrives at your property, you should think very carefully about where you want to position the new trees.

First and foremost, you must make sure that the trees are not placed in an area where they may encroach upon your next-door neighbours' properties. If for example, their branches hang over a shared fence, their leaves and fruit may fall into your neighbour's garden. This could then result in a dispute developing between you and your neighbour.

Secondly, if you have a lot of flowers in your garden that require regular exposure to direct sunlight, you must not plant the trees too close to them, as their leaves and branches could prevent the sun rays from reaching the flowers.

Last but not least, if you have an outdoor dining area, it would be best to avoid planting the trees too close. During bouts of stormy weather, some of the branches may snap off and then land on and break the chairs or the dining table.
