Tips Regarding Tree Removal on a Home Property

If you want to remove a tree from your property, your best course of action is to hire an arborist. They can assess the situation and offer specific advice. However, to help, here are some general tips.

Council Approval

Firstly, the removal of a tree often needs council approval, and you can't take down a tree simply because it's on your property. A tree may be a protected species, or it could have been planted many years ago as part of a government regeneration program. If a tree harbours natural animals such as possums or koalas, that can also prevent you from clearing it. Thus, you should check with local regulations. An arborist can take on this role for you and apply for a permit to cut a tree down.

Sick or Damaged Trees

While the rules vary across Australia, they may have common ground on some issues, such as permissible reasons to remove a tree. For example, a tree that is dangerous and a threat will often be given approval. A storm may have snapped large branches off, leaving the tree lopsided. Or it could be leaning, which could be due to damaged roots.

You also may be allowed to remove a diseased tree, depending on its specific condition. A deciduous tree with bare patches of no leaves is an indication of something wrong. If you scratch the bark of a dead tree, the bark underneath will be dry. A dead tree, with its weakened structure, is dangerous as it could fall at any time. Another problem that may mean a tree needs to be removed is if it's become infested with termites. You should get rid of the tree in this case before the bugs spread to other parts of your property.

Other Situations

Once you've checked the local regulations, you may discover that in some cases, approval will likely be more forthcoming even if a tree is healthy. For example, in some areas, you can typically remove a tree if it's under a certain height. If a tree is particularly close to a house or pool—three metres is often the rule—then you will be more likely to get approval. You may have to demonstrate with an arborist's report that the roots are damaging your home's foundations or the pool structure. Sometimes a root system can push up against patio paving or a pergola, and this may be a case for tree removal, depending on the particular situation and the council.

For more information, contact a tree removal service near you.
